The Golden Dawn
an Hermetic Serial...
Being a pursuit of lost secrets of the ancient Orders in the Year of Our Lord 1899, and featuring:
ARTHUR CAMERON - an American innocent abroad...
ALEISTER CROWLEY - gourmet chef, mountaineer, wickedest man in the world...
CLAUDE DEBUSSY - composer and Grandmaster of Continental Masonry...
THOMAS ALVA EDISON - who sang with Sarah Bernhart in the hour of wolves...
FLORENCE FARR - keeper of Britain's Temple (and Bernard Shaw)...
SIGMUND FREUD - whose book was not successful...
MAUDE GONNE - intriguer, Irish patriot
ADOLF HITLER - a constipated boy, he enjoyed Red Indian tales...
ANNIE HORNIMAN - heiress of the Tea Museum, Steat House...
ALFRED JARRY - Savage God, shortest Bohemian in Paris, but for...
HENRI TOULOUSE-LAUTREC - who painted scenery and rode a bicycle...
FILIPPO TOMMASO MARINETTI - friend of Automobilism, enemy of the Moon...
GEORGE MELIES - a cinematographer of Paris...
J. P. MORGAN - a business man of New York...
EDVARD MUNCH - who took a short walk down a long pier...
FRIEDRICH NIETZSCHE - his serpentine destiny revealed...
SAX ROHMER - who beheld a Secret Chief on a Limehouse dock...
BRAM STOKER - authority on Vampyres and toads...
MARK TWAIN - who did not forget how to pole a boat...
DR. VARTANIAN - eight foot tall Master of the Polyphasic Current...
OSCAR WILDE - who kept a trussed-up Russian in his hotel suite...
WILLIAM and JOHN BUTLER YEATS - whose family quarrels were peculiar...
ZAN - Praemonstrator of the Golden Dawn, and his wife, VESTIGIA...
... and also: Henri Bergson, Annie Besant,
Aristide Bruant, Lewis Carroll, G. H. Chesterton,
Colette, Laura deSade, Gyp (the Comtesse Martel),
Mata Hari, Franz Hartmann, Ernst Haeckel, Lanz von Liebenfels, Guido von List, Arthur Machen, Sir Neville
Maskelyne, Sar Joseph Peladan, Marcel Proust, Princess
Radziwill, Erik Satie, Pamela (Pixie) Smith, Josef
Stalin, Rudolf Steiner, Charles Viereck, A. E. Waite,
Basil Zaharoff, some formidable ladies of the stage, more wealthy families of
New York, cultists, assassins, Monists, seekers after gold and Gods and Grails,
suicides, fraternity pranksters and Ipsissimi!
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peruse any of these THREE other
at the Conflict and Controversy that
erupts at a third-party Presidential nominating convention coronating
populist candidate Jack “Catfish” Parnell (along with Excerpts from Parnell’s
manifesto, Entropy and Renaissance and party journal The Don Jones Index)…
THRILL!… to the story of the last successful
Native American revolt in the jungles of southeastern Mexico where an
implacable tribe of rebels ousted an imperial army under the command of a mad
General in…
And FOLLOW! the mob of
desperate football fanatics who, after the FCC approves moving the Superbowl to a premium channel accessible only by a scarce
and expensive black box, storm their local electronics outlets to fight for
their right to spectate, in…
GOLDEN DAWN" is published by Generisis,
Copyright 2001. Whereas real people appear and historical events do occur, it is important to remember that this novel is a work of fiction, moreover, that it is recalled by an elderly, frequently forgetful narrator whose recollection of events is fair, but whose remembrance of things past has rather deteriorated. A few such inconsistencies are noted in the References page.