33)   Saturday, the Eighteenth, 8:28 AM – “No More Oprah!”


General Westmoreland Soames had dropped off the family after church and was wiping off some birdshit from the old Crown Vic in Purley preparatory for another day’s destroying money when the van from Reverend Godwin’s church turned onto the 5700 block of Grape Street.  A jerry-rigged jumble of loudspeakers had been attached to the top and sides of the old van, and the Reverend’s voice… on tape… rang out…

          “Citizens of Purley and the colony of the District… wake up!  By now, many of you have learned that the government and corporations have taken away your television programming.  That’s right!   No more American Icon, no more Oprah, no more news…”

          Westy gunned the engine, drowning out the message for a second, then said, to himself, only half-cynically: “Right on!…

          “And… this is only the beginning,” Ellsworth Godwin fairly shook the iron oxides past the capstems of a boombox he’d confiscated from one of the Nation, fool enough to bring it into Mt. Zion.  “Now that election hooforah’s over and that pretender is still on his throne, the politicians have turned back to the business as usual, fighting for power among themselves and giving our community the same they’ve always dished out… lip-service and disrespect.  They want to keep us barefoot, begging and illiterate - so are we going to stand for it?  Heaven… no!  Come out tonight to Nakonset Park at six, and show them that we’re not going to sit idly by; we are gonna march on the Federal Communications Commission’s new digs in Maryland and demand something better than crummy vouchers that just let the big retailers mark up the price of their foreign merchandise a little more.  Come back to Nakonset Park…

          Pulling away from the curb, Westy even had to smile a little… Godwin was on target… as his messages wound up, then repeated, fading as Soames turned the corner on his way to work.

          “Come to the park and show your face.  Make the government and the corporations when we stand together, and declare ‘I am somebody!’  Come back to Nakonset Park at sundown, tonight!  Viewers’ lives matter!  Citizens of Purley and the colony of the District…”




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