38)   Saturday, February 15th: 4:00 PM – “Druglords in Smart Repose!”


In the Oval Office, President and First Spouse Rivers, Beavis, Butt-head and FCC Chairman Yunis had been joined by lobbyist Fred Faubourg and newly appointed Homeland Security Czar Paul Gomez – a slight, thin, fellow, wringing his hands at the prospect of domestic terror escalating into domestic insurrection.  “I had intended to make a statement in my first term,” said the Chief Executive, “… to carry out a mandate for change; instead, I am faced with… with this?

“It’s just an unfortunate criminal outbreak, complicated by local police overreaction,” Gomez tried to defuse the situation.  “I shouldn’t be distracted by these…”

          “These uprisings?” the President intoned.  “But I am… distracted.  Where is my base?” he thundered, referring to and seizing authority over polling data that thirty eight point two percent of Americans would vote to re-elect the gentleman whose office he’d usurped despite the lunach, the history, the Nazis...

          They’re the ones doing the rioting,” said Chairman Yunis, raising a finger to the ceiling… as if to appeal to God or, perhaps, one of many surveillance devices ever turning, ever recording.  “So let’s make this situation known for what it is.  Vern Cooth, our new manager… well, he has proof that the entire controversy was generated by outside agitators.  The sort ever waiting in dark shadows to besmirch the credibility of authority… yours, your success… others,” he waved a plump finger, beringed with the emblem of a secret society as would’ve driven Millard Fillmore to gnashing his teeth… “no matter!”

          The First Daughter threw her two cents on the table.  “Well, and with all due respect, poor people who don’t have very much to begin with hardly need outside agitators to become, well, agitated over losing their Superbowl which, as I understand, will end up costing more than that awful boxing match last year…”

          “It’s not their Superbowl, it’s just a commodity… like a car or a hotdog,” Faubourg disputed… “available at a price, a reasonable price, from the private sector.  No more, and nothing less…”

          The Daughter would not be swayed.  “Unfortunately, it seems to have taken on aspects of a ritual.  When we were students, at the University…”

“I’ll take this, thank you.  What… what we, as a nation, are,” the President declared with the professorial air he sometimes assumed when dealing with incompetents, “is a society somewhat evolved but not so different from that based on the classical model, the Greek and Roman systems.  With necessary lines of stratification mitigated by bread and circuses… beauty pageants and the such, and up…”

          “If they can’t afford the new media,” Faubourg grumbled before President Rivers could cement the failure, “they can still listen to this circus over their radios…”

          Chairman Yunis exhaled pointedly, ensuring that the attention of the whole room was where it should be – on him.  The hot-line kept ringing, impotently.  “1937 is on the line, they want their fireside chats back,” he sneered.  “If you’re looking for someone to blame, the Commission doesn’t entirely have clean hands on this.  There was a skunk in the works…”

          “Pardon?” frowned the Presidential Daughter.

“A snake at the garden party.  A mole.  One of our own… one of those people, attached to our Research Division in Maryland,” Yunis explained.  “A holdover, Vern assures me, from the previous administration; fortunately, I believe Paul has photographs from Nakonset Park…”

          Gomez looked from the President to the First Daughter, nodding and twitching....

          “Blame it on Obama!  That might do it.  And George Soros, or… if the polls indicate... Elon Musk!”

          The President turned upwards towards the Eminences-in-training.  “You’ve both been uncharacteristically quiet… can you suggest a course of action?”

          “Crack down…” advised Beavis

          “…don’t back down…” was Butt-head’s immediate reply.

          Both grinned and slapped hands in a high-five,


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Tom Eppert was, perhaps, the first to realize that Giga-Plex was going to encounter an inventory crisis as severe, now, as the supply-chain woes and pandemic panic of a year ago – hard times which most in occupancy in the likes of Purley and Dempster ruefully acknowledged would be back, sooner or later, when a new, more lethal viral variant swept up out of some Godforsaken African or Asian hellhole or if the Russians invaded Latvia.  The stolid Mexicans swept up the remains of twelve Dominators and towers of less expensive MHDTV sets in the stockroom rapidly diminished.  Pickup of large ticket items from the loading dock having been militarized under the watchful gaze of Screaming Eagles… the customers were given tickets at the register, then sent around the back to the loading dock where, after gaining the attention of Craig Synch or one of the Mexicans, said tickets were punched and exchanged for merchandise.  Because only Craig and Pablo (and, in the crush that began with the afternoon commute, Marko Mosrovich) were capable of reading English, inspection of the receipts was tedious and careful, requiring production of photo IDs and, as the sun sank lower in the sky and freezing drizzle permeated skin and bones, tempers flared and the line lengthened until an angry man at its head wearing a black and red plaid jacket and earflaps, disputed Craig’s challenge to his ID.

          “Not again?  I already showed ID at the register…”

          Craig was tired and wet and beginning to think that the job wasn’t worth it despite the promise of overtime.  Fuckin’ Taylor!  “Then, since you already have it out, just hand it over and thank you for shopping Giga-Plex…”

          Like those waiting behind him, Earflaps was plenty mad and ready to collect his full measure of attention.    “Already paid for my set,” he said, with a belligerent glance at the Screaming Eagle patrolling the dock, “don’t have to show no stinkin’ ID…”

          “You don’t got ID, get off the property…” the security man answered, massaging his nightstick.

          “I got ID.  An’ I got my rights…” said Earflaps, probably the wrong thing to say, as his truculence brought shouts from those waiting behind.

          “Just show the man your license, asshole!” said the tall guy in the baseball cap, fourth in line.  “It’s cold out here…”

          “Who you callin’ asshole, asshole…”

          Earflaps stepped out of line and threw a punch at the man he thought had disrespected him, another fellow entirely… meanwhile, the third-in-line tried to push past second and get Craig’s attention, inciting another fight.  Since it was cold and wet and movement, of any sort, greatly welcomed, Mall security, Giga-Plex security, Screaming Eagles and a pair of local cops emerged from their vehicles to break it up… the cop cuffing the man who’d been second in line and someone else, a young black man, just standing by…

          “Why me?  I din’t do nothin’…” the bystander wailed

          “You have the right to remain silent, you know the drill…” said the officer, driving his club into the fellow’s solar plexus.  His partner opened the back door to the cop car and the bystander was shoved in… three private guards had jumped on the original complainant, Earflaps… berserk now, waving his receipt…

          “I gotta fuckin receipt.  I got rights!  Got my fuckin’ receipt…”

          Lemme see that!” Craig said.  The cuffed man gave Craig his ticket to a 42” Panasonic LCD and Craig tore it in half, tore the halves in halves, tore the wad a few more times and tossed it into the wind.

Don’t see no receipt…”

As the cops drove their prisoners away, still screaming, the two Eagles manning the surveillance van trudged back, scattering a bunch of kids who’d crept up on the dark side facing the One World Mall (Phase Two) construction site…

          “Hey get outta here, you little bastards…” shouted one of the mercenaries.

His companion pointed: “Shit!”

          Their jaunty, intimidating logo on the far side of the vehicle had been defaced by the addition of a spraypainted “B” to Eagles and the outline of a dog, about three quarters complete… rather like Snoopy, but stupider, and with bigger genitalia.  And, to make matters worse, Mark Tenison was marching back through the loading dock, smiling cluelessly.

          “Everything alright back here?”

          Craig Synch took a deep breath.  He figured the cameras on the ceiling would record any facial gesture of exasperation, that Big Sonny’s anal analysts could analyze and wondered… also… what would be so bad about losing this job that paid barely over minimum?  “Hell no!” he finally said.  “One of the crew just clocked out and left… man, the motherfucker can curse.  Didn’t even take off our vest, probably send it back full of dynamite!  We’re also running way low on the cheap stuff… down to four Tungwas, all 27s.  The minis are gone, even those crap old Vrada projection sets, got maybe half a dozen left.  A few Koreans… above 45, though, we’re OK.  You gonna take the display models off the floor?”

          Tenison gave him the sort of pitying look reserved for amputees and imbeciles.  “That’s why I’m the manager and you’re out here.  Tell ‘em they got a choice… come back Tuesday afternoon after the truck gets in, or the cheap bastards can go back into the store and exchange for something we have… which, of course, will cost more…”

          “What if they want refunds?  Send ‘em back?”

“No refunds,” the Manager wagged a finger.  “Exchange only… Big Sonny himself called me an hour ago.  He’s had it with bums takin’ home the merchandise and getting’ second thoughts after the game…”

Craig exhaled, really not caring if some dummy made a black mark next to his name.  “Taylor comin’ back?

“No.  He’s history.  Which reminds me…

          They sauntered back into the slightly warmer stockroom; Tenison blowing his whistle and Craig motioning for the Mexicans to come inside… outraged customers, intimidated by security, unable to do more than shout and swear, shooting nervous, defiant glances at the Screaming Beagles.  The Manager cupped his hands, shouting: “Man on the crane. You, too!” to Tom Eppert, up in the cab.

          “There’s gonna be overtime for anybody who wants it, and if you want to get paid… you’ll want the overtime…”

          Marko Mosrovich palmed his smoke as a sea of brown faces stared back and Tenison threw his hands up in the air.

          Tiempotiempo… ah fuck, abuela de la tiempo.  Much tiempo, dinerocapisché?”

          The Mexicans, puzzled, begin asking questions of Pablo, who fired back an explanation, then turned to the manager while the arrogant Hamish Khost folded his arms…

          Hokay, but they want pay in cash, you know…”

          “Fine, tell ‘em fine,” Mark snapped.  “They get paid off at midnight, paga media en la noche… you there…” he turned to Tom Eppert, “can you work to close?”

“Do I get a discount on one of those?”  Tom pointed to the four remaining Mongolians.  “And set it aside, now… I ain’t waitin’ for Tuesday…”

“Fine!  Help me out here, an’ I can give you the regular employee discount, not the temp.  If you could come back for a few days…”

“I got two weeks free…” Tom nodded, “seeing as that idiot’s fired?”

“Fired.  You wanna apply for his job?  It’s twelve-plus an hour, an’ benefits…”

“I gotta better job,” Tom shook his head, briefly grateful to be sucking on the Federal teat, even if the union reps were left-wing crybabies, “but I can fill in the rest of the month ‘til you find a replacement.  I’m on… uh… vacation, a working vacation.  Gotta work, you know?  So fifteen percent off five seventy eight’s a little under five hundred… can I put somethin’ down on my check and the rest… three hundred…”

          “Twenty a month for eighteen months or fifteen for two years… that’s regular employee rate…”

          “I’ll pay the twenty… I got a regular job, not like some of these bums…”

“Business doin’ pleasure with you, uh…”

          “Tom.  Tom Eppert…”

          Tenison nodded and wrote “SOLD: Tom” on the back of a flyer, taping it to one of the sets.  Craig and the foreign people had returned to the angry customers at the loading dock; big Anjelika marching into the stockroom, pointing to the Manager’s office…

          “Mr. Sonny…” she pointed

          Mark closed the door to his office, picked up the old-fashioned rotary phone he favoured, just out of spite against this unpleasant century…

          “How’s it hangin’, O great one?”

Anjelika stonily watched him nod, mutter a few fawning OK’s and Yessirs… hang up and head for the door, telling her: “BS is hung up in Reston.  Says he’ll be here by nine, which means nine-thirty… we got the balloons, soda and nickel hotdogs…”

          “Those sausages vere laid out at noon… probably contaminated, by now…”

          “Not my problem…” the Manager scoffed, hurrying back onto the floor where Ray Wilson was coaxing three corpulent customers who looked like Colombian druglords or, maybe, Burmese generals from the Smart Clothing Shoppe towards the Appliantology furniture and appliance quadrangle.

          “All 21 and up model g-Shoes have global positioning that can be tracked on company or regular police-issue scanners, so wherever you go, you know where you are…”

          The most deferential of the trio looked back to his companions, both of whom were strapped, locked and loaded.  Diplomats, the salesman hoped, with permits and unlimited credit.  “You can use to track where other people are, too?”

          “Theoretically,” Ray allowed.  “Might be legal issues involved…”

          The El Supremo of the group smiled back, under his black, reflective shades – a half-munched hotdog in either fist.  “In our country, not a problem…”

          “Gotcha!” Ray winked, figuring whatever country these creeps came from was a place he didn’t want to visit – but also a location where certain merch would be appreciated.  “Those Kevlar vests, by the way, are fully temperature-controlled... warm in January, cool in July,” (and then, discerning that their puzzled grimaces were perhaps owing to a house of nativity south of the Equator) added: “or the climatic settings can be adjusted with a simple application.”  Everybody smiled.  “And they can pick up digital satellite transmissions through no less than forty two providers through this little wire running up through the collar that can hook up with earphones.  Ask the Captain of our outside security…”

          He pointed towards Capps, busy chaining some poor goof to one of the stout, metal poles of the Tech and Credit Tent, then steered his prey into Appliantology, pointing down at a smart bed that cost almost as much as a Dominator.

          “Now this… this is a Moondreams.  Way better than Starry Night, even… you got full stereo, pop up nineteen-inch set on… not the headboard, that opposite part of the bed… adjusts temperature, vibrates on three stages… mild, moderate and ooh-la-la; even tells you if you have any medical conditions… go ahead, try it out…”

          The gamma goon, catching reflective stares from the other two, lay down stiffly… as if expecting some sort of ambush… Moondreams’ androgynous voice suggested…

          “You have an elevated blood pressure level and pheromones that suggest a chemical anomaly.  For a soothing massage, press #52 or say “massage”, for a body temperature readout, press #19 or say “print temperature”.

          The other two druglords, or dictators, smiled and exchanged a few soft words in their native tongue – Mark Tenison proceeded, past them, through the massive selection of HDTV sets, Anjelika trailing.  The balloons, so festive during the morning and early afternoon, had been defective - shriveling like big old condoms, lying everywhere or floating aimlessly, knee-high, through the store.  Captain Capps was bending over another teenager cuffed to the credit tent; when he stepped away, they saw a neatly lettered cardboard sign “THIEF” hung ‘round the miscreant’s neck.

          “I din’t do nothin’!  I was gonna pay… I just forgot…

“Fool!” Tenison opined, before turning to Anjelika.  “You said that the compressor is busted?”

          “It iss no longer functional,” agreed the big blonde.  “There iss no way to blow up more bahloons… except…”

          And all three smiled at their prisoner.

          “Get another box out of my office…” said the Manager, glancing over at the three druglords, now cuddling and cooing together on the smart bed as Moondreams’ “ooh la la” massage function vibrated them away to druglord dreamland.


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When Kristi Chaine doled out the Upper Midwest territory to David Lee… a patently obvious attempt to shield him from the worst of the transition fallout… both had assumed  that only a placid response to transition from the stolid, stoical farmers, brewmasters and cheesemakers was in the offing… failing to take into account their pure, unpasteurized rage at being cheated of an opportunity to see the upstart, dumb-lucky, cancelled Redskins turned Football Team turned Commanders (who’d shafted their beloved Pack) get their clocks cleaned in Tampa, tomorrow evening.

          Hanging up the phone as Kristi hovered over him, worried now, he informed her: “That was Marquette, Michigan.  Three more cellphone towers…”

          “Pulled down or bombed?” Kristi inquired.

          “Bombed.  Hey…” and David spread his arms, suppressing a smile, “…lotsa explosives up there.  It’s mining and militia territory.  No arrests, of course…”

          “No communiqués from self-styled patriots?”

          “Not yet.  But it just proves… again… that people who ain’t up to buying some new five-grand plasma replacement aren’t rich, but aren’t stupid… they know about the connection to cellphones.  Probably a lot of them use cells, themselves, those farmers…”

          “They’re rich,” Kristi shot him down.  “Have you priced a loaf of bread or a gallon of milk this year?  Besides, they should’ve been pleased to see the 700 frequencies reallocated…”

          “Not really.  They’re convenient…” David allowed “…but, mostly, the new generation of smart cellphones are used to keep track of people, monitor and punish.  Mothers keeping track of kids.  Bosses keeping track of workers.  A lot of people use the cells because they have to, not because they want to… and all that resentment is part of what’s bubbling over; that and, well, they’re starting to trust President Rivers to do the right thing on the... you know... but they still loved Donald Trump, that poor old invalid...”

       “So it’s not just that they’re missing out on the Superbowl…” Kristi sneered.

       “Well, that too…”

“Speaking of smartphones, Vern’s been following the Chairman’s negotiations with Homeland Security and the President and keeping track of the riots in Nakonset Park…”

       “Are they rioting, again?  Already?”

          “They will be.  It’s in their genetic configuration,” Kristi informed him, tapping a black lacquered fingernail on his desk, “…all they need is somebody stirring the pot like that prick, Boris Malone or that masked idiot, driving around the city in some old van, broadcasting pirate tapes from AdvanceforwardAmerica dot com.  Oh… and Vern says he’s got verified satellite confirmation that Trent Lockett has gone over to the dark side…”

       “That could be interpreted as a racist remark,” David ventured.

“Shut up!  Any moment now, they’ll be drawing up Revised Patriot Act warrants… and need I say that any misguided attempt to help a colleague would be viewed negatively… you wouldn’t happen to know where our wayward colleague’s parked his ass, would you…”

          David pointed to his computer screen.  “He’s not in fuckin’ Minneapolis, if that’s what you’re thinking about…”


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