The Journal


Serving the Metropolitan Area


Since 1872



September 1st




 By Jack Parnell - retired Congressman and Independent Presidential candidate


Syndicated by Acme Features


          Here's one more good reason not to chase Egyptian chicken! Down the Nile a ways from Cairo, as I hear, this farmer tried to rescue some ol’ biddy fell into a well, sixty feet deep, and tumbled in after. He drowned, but not a’fore his sister and two brothers jumped in after him and drownded, too, as did a few more neighbors who jumped in after. Finally people as knew how to swim jumped in and pulled out the six bodies... and also that chicken, still alive and cluckin'.

          Somebody once said how the road to Hell’s paved with good intentions, and I guess it may be so.  One of them Rob Zombie evil clown movies (as distinct from the Steven King ones) also said that people in Hell still love popcorn.  The more gumment tries to help people by putting experts on the job... buzzin' day n' night like busy little gnats n' skeeters... the more people resent 'em when their help turns bad. Bad as neighborhood regulators fining folks without the lawnmores for tall grass so’s they fall deeper in the hole, bad as in Katrina's FEMA, ERCOT’s ENRONics or Flint’s water, or those citizens of Oklahoma - as promised Santa's sack o’ goodies to the Goodyear people for bringing that tire dump to town, as then made that mosquito hotel Ground Zero for the West Nile n’ the Zika 'til someone finally set it afire!  Bad as Hurricanes Laura and Marco, the both, making a gumbo of things, down there in New Orleans, and on Katrina’s quinceaña, her sweet sixteen then bein’ visited by last winter’s snow and ice storm that had the negative temperatures shivering all the way to the Mexican border.

          Bad as taking evil old dictators off’n their Middle East pots they’re squatting on and wind up with a popular revolution just about evenly divided between Al Qaeda, ISIS, Russia and Iranian puppets – all of ‘em armed to the teeth (those as still have teeth, that is) – agin’ us and lookin’ for soft targets into which to bite while the Communist Chinese wait and watch in the shadows.  Upsetting the balance of power, like taking out Iraq strengthened Iran, a certain former Chief Executive’s dissing NATO encouraged Putin’s war and the dude after him’s running out of Afghanistan brought us ISIS-K.  (At least they’re mostly the Taliban’s problem now.)

          Some of the worst travesties of good intentions, like them cynical Lascher-Williams campaign finance reforms steamrolling thru Congress (as force taxpayers to subsidize the same old bipartisan mummery without taking action on Citizens United, now controlling six justices of the seven justices on SCOTUS, result from what those of us as sat on Congressional Armed Services committees, called the "mission creep".  It's like going into somewheres to save the world... Bosnia or Baghdad, Somalia or some trailer during the domestic dispute. Quicker than you can say "but, it's for the children!", both the fighting parties have turned on you! Cops understand, and really really hate this!

          Especially in hard times, we've had experts step to up to the plate, as were able to meet such exigencies as arose out of wars, disasters, depressions... even those few, especially valuable expert experts, like Jefferson, Madison and Franklin, Hamilton, Edison, Lincoln and Henry Ford, too (‘cept for the slaveowning and Nazi stuff). We've also been lucky to import such experts as other countries didn't want… with apologies to Mister Drumpf… experts like Einstein and Liz Taylor and all them Mexican and Korean movie directors, vegetable pickers and boy bands, as well as all kinds of imported experts came to occupy our government, like Madeline Albright, Henry Kissinger from the CFR (love his politics or don’t), them Russian Google people, Brzezinski from the Trilats (see Kisso), not to mention our owntimes' Jared Pettigrew, native – tho’ he did graduate London School of Economics.  Even a fistful of Canadians, like Celine Dion, Bill Shatner, Leonard Cohen, Elon Musk…

          Probably nowhere, since 1776, did there come such an upswell of government expertise as in the New Deal, then during the war against Hitler... so effective were they (and so numerous) that conservatives still fume at the society they created where, as Brother Rush contended before ascending into  Hoover Heaven, people got so used to seeing money come back from Washington that some decided to vote, in perpetuity, for the liberals.

          Except... the liberals broke faith after the sunset of the W.P.A.  It is my own often-stated position… see the Don Jones Index of three years back… that liberalism as a virtuous principle took its mortal hit on eleven twenty-two sixty-three, and lingered on death-support until the double tap summer of '68 when its leading practitioners, President Johnson and Vice-President Triple-H Humphrey, rigged that nomination in Chicago to stiff the voters in all the primaries as had expressed... by their votes for McCarthy, McGovern and Robert Kennedy... a desire for the '68 election to be an honest referendum on the Vietnam war and certain other problems. After that, liberalism turned slithery... corrupt... the termites lured bearded Leninists out of universities and into the psychological testing and polling scams: marketing strategies to seduce people into buying stuff they didn't need on credit, law enforcement into detecting deviance - as opposed to solving crimes - and the National Institute for Health (a fine anthill of expertise, to be sure) into isolating genes and brain chemicals suspected of causing deviant or self-damaging behaviour... crime, sexual unorthodoxy, enlisting in the National Guard... these sort of things.  Even started calling themselves Progressives once “liberal” became a cussword, setting Teddy Roosevelt and Fightin’ Bob LaFollette to spinnin’ in their graves.

          Having discovered correlations between low seratonin levels and violence in the brains of rats, NIH's liberal sociologists promised "to examine brain chemicals in children growing up in high-risk neighborhoods," reported Anne Rochell in the Atlanta papers. "Kids with low serotonin could be singled out for intervention programs. These could include medications..."

          Or lobotomies…

          Or warfarin...

          'Nother foreign expert, Dr. Simon Young of Montreal, justified kiddy-doping by saying: "I know people who have had to spend years manacled in the locked portions of mental institutions because of their aggressive impulses. There is a need for the pharmacological treatment of those patients."

          But Dr. Peter Breggin, author of "The War Against Children" saw that short, slippery slope all the way down to a chemical Auschwitz. Poor children "live in a society that hates them, and they grow up in constant humiliation. For America to suggest that the problem lies in them is hypocritical and evil."

          Big Pharma carried the day and got their funding with a spoonful of sugar (or oxy contin) to make the medicine go down. The Prozac people, now, sell their dope in little, sweet red gelatin squares; Abbott Laboratories markets raspberry-flavored narcotic lollipops containing the sedative fentanyl which, say the drug police, is so more likely to cause a fatal overdose than heroin that the high sheriffs of Nebraska are using it to execute their prisoners and tombstone stoners like Michael Jackson and Prince made it their chemical of choice.  "What kind of message are we sending to our children when we mix potent narcotics, like fentanyl, into their candy?" asked Dr. Allen Hinkle of the FDA.

          Saw, th’other day between scenes of more Ukrainians being shipped off to some gulag... the lucky ones, as I suppose... this advertisement promoting some sort of treatment as imitates the anti-amxiety medications harried housewives consume by the handful, thanks to Doctor Feelgood.  For cats.  Cat Quaaludes.  As the Russians in Moldovia are crawling over the border towards Bucharest...

          So disregarding and disoriented are Federal regulators that action has to be delegated downwards to the state and local level.  The opioid pushers at Johnson & Johnson got socked with a half a billion in civil judgments (the plaintiff’s lawyer dejected that it wasn’t the seventeen billion he’d sought) down in Alabama… the Devil’s Island of gumment indifference but also the Mecca of civil litigation.  Did it retard their racehorse in the Vaccination Derby against Pfizer and Moderna?  Prob’ly.

          And up in Massachusetts where, I guess, Pocahontas wields a mean tomahawk, the Febbies currently have Big Pharma’s big pushers, the Sackler family, being marinated up for the griddle.

          Then we came to the coronavirus.  President Trump believed that discovery of a vaccine a few days before November 3, 2020 would push him over the top, so he rushed to greenlight that icky stuff from Russia that Mad Vlad assured him (smile, wink!) was breathtakingly effective and absolutely safe.  Unfortunately, it killed so many rats and mice and guinea pigs and beagles that the project was aborted despite Djonald’s rages.

          Took a lot of breaths away, it would have.  But they would have been true believers as probably caught the plague, in the first place, from attending some maskless, crowded disco, or one of those MAGA rallies.  Killing off the base would prob’ly have turned a few more red states blue, but Don Jones may be assured that the incumbent would have found some conspiracy hook to hang his red hat on, and his lawyers would still prob’ly be hashing the matter out in some court or another.

          Far as I recollect, the Good Shepherd was not a vegetarian!

          A simple message! Ban harmless, hemp-flavoured jawbreakers as thoughtcrime, but trust the strangers with fentanyl candy... hey, they're doctors!  (Or maybe veterinarians?)

          Other experts in psychedelic lollipopupopaloozery brought America the phone company and Microsoft breakups and NAFTA... supposed to be just a temporary measure giving relief to Mexico and Canada but, of course, the camel's nose underneath the tent to pass CAFTA, PIFFAFTA (or whatever that stood for) and, now, EAFTA (or should that East Asian Trans-Pacific scam be called TAFTA?). So now that the supply chain’s been linked in and foreign ships of stuff have Qual-Marts bulging with toys churned out by slave labor camps in Vietnam and Saipan... to the detriment and eventual extermination of American jobs... while phone service in nine states is being disrupted by… talk about retro!... a strike, and down in Oklahoma, the litigating and mosquito-breeding and tire burning's still goin' on!

          "One terrible sentence haunts NAFTA," wrote Sandy Grady, up in Philadelphia, as also mentioned that, too often in the past, we'd "been betrayed by experts..."

"I'm from the government, and I am here to help you."

          "Humans are absurdly easy to indoctrinate," contended that cranky sociobiologist, Eddie Oh Wilson, so despised by both virtuecrats and politically correct Squeamish, "they seek it!"

          Well, next time as some damn Egyptian like Fatty al Sissy asks me to jump down a well, think I'll just hand the fellow a copy of Grammy Parnell's favorite recipe for drownt-chicken soup and boogie on up the Nile towards the Pillow People’s magic fields of cotton... tiptoeing 'round the potholes an' mosquito-tires fast as I can... far, far away from that truckstop of good intentions as hides the semi behind which hide Leatherface, Mike Myers (the Friday the 13th guy, not the Austin Powers actor), Norman Bates, Rob Zombie’s wicked clowns and Stephen King’s Pennywise, too, Zazzbo, the First Family and Freddie Kreuger.  Rudy Giuliani also!

          (Damn – I miss John McCain… he’d tell Uncle Joe what to do with that bunch!)   


