











          EPISODE 11

SUNDAY the NINTH - 8:12 PM

          "Snap to, Dannie?" the station manager challenged. "Coalition for a New Consensus! Where’s our dirt on 'em... ready to go?"

          The kid swallowed whatever Russian quip that had come to mind; Nelson's cigar having drawn an invisible demarcation line between Here and Too Far. "Uh... just speeches, you know. The usual, locals. Tillerman and the Catfish, from the morning briefing. Shit about Mayor Potter in the last election, using Conk volunteers to get the East End voters out.  Rumors of bribes and prizes..."









          "Borr-ring,” Nelson removed and waved the stogie.  Manuzzo?"

          "Nothing," Dannie looked down.

          "Screw Tony, then, that queer runnin’ cop’s runnin’ on the other network anyway. Crisp!" he bellowed to the old man at the studio's editing console, "cut me thirty on Catfish. Fuck Tillerman... he's nuttier than Trump, even, without being entertaining; threaten to kill anybody different from the usual suspects today? No? Then, while we're waiting for Bill, go down to Archives, kid, bring me up some old riot footage. Bill no-shows, we'll use Omaha or... I don't know, St. Louis? But not that fuckin' Arch or anything that anyone would recognize, something dark and noisy... cue in the breaking glass noise and Turks standing round, no recognizable faces or buildings.  Street-level.  Choppers and drones, above. Niggers with bricks… don’t look at me that way!  Mexicans!  With machetes... or maybe Chinese with tongs!  Fire!  I'm calling Ted..."

          He picked up the phone, dialed, waited for the beep. "Ted! Yeah... great, but no Bill. Still! Look, Jack told me there was some sort of security shakedown inside Masty Hall 'bout a couple hours ago, but it's wrapped tight. Pinhead went in, didn't come out. Roach motel!... yeah, I wish! Cops and Turks know nada, Conks won't say, except what a wonderful platform they have, wonderful hosts we are, dada dada... yeah, it smells. Smells! Something's gonna break, I know, probably at 10:59. Bill! Hangs around to get footage, then forgets to bring it back before airtime. Prob’ly stopped off for a drink.  Moron! Yeah, talk to 'em." He hung up, glared at Dannie. "What the fuck are you looking at? Take your hand out of your pocket and whup your ass on down to Archives!”

          "Fuckin' kid," the editor swore to himself when Dannie was gone. "Fuckin' Bill!" The studio editing console was old; it held only four screens. Old surplus equipment, old staff or else snotty kids... castoff talent and morons.  Fifth-rate station in a third-rate city.  And rules... if he ran the station, Nelson would have canned Marla and brought in Tom Lavin, but the affirmative action people would have that killed and their horny old CEO in Dallas would’ve crawled up his back. Corporate stiffs were all over management to move the colored guy from sports to news and hire a Puerto Rican or Chinese. Maybe another woman, if he could find someone cute, but smart... like that Asian chick on the morning shit-chat-show, a double... but she’d cost, and some big market would steal her away within months.  Weeks!  "Crisp... speed it up. More sound!" Pictures on the screens jerked and whirred, Donald Duck voices gabbled: "Cool and Clearing!" "Food prices back up!"  "Bradashian press conference at Chilean earthquake site." "Community activists protest project demolitions!" "Helen," barked Nelson, "cut out another spot on Baby Claire. Thirty seconds. Fuck you, too!" he jabbed his cigar at the ceiling, encompassing Corporate and Marketing, the Turks' black helicopters and, maybe, God. A denatured God of the evening news...  bleeding to lead, then trivia and banter; dreams degraded, archangels busted for DUIs, Papal divorces... sheep defending, unto death, the sanctity of their delusions then sports, the weather and something inspirational to wrap. And less than three hours, now, until "Eleven at Eleven"!







          Glenn Savitt nimbly tweaked open the little envelope, more like plastic than paper... a sort of plasma, really... Anne and the pink-cheeked, three-piece-suited doll, Ralph Laird, still talking at him. His concentration was wholly, utterly, on the morning's ritual. Small white flakes, dropping into the cup of rancid black java, dissolved in tiny, galactic whorls. Glenn stirred the liquid... black coffee and white processed dairy substitute becoming a light, tan-colored compromise. Thesis, antithesis, synthesis.  Obamology!  The essence of any political dispute resolution – too damn bad, he scowled, that Washington couldn’t be more like a cup of bad hotel coffee anymore during this post-partisan depression....

          Anne's voice still wafted through the steam.

          "I don't think the Budget Caucus safe, by any means. Maybe there isn't a concerted presence of a single competitive force, the way Tillerman's engineered elsewhere... ethnicity comes to mind, of course... but, maybe, the very confusion engendered by this may lead to negative conclusions being drawn…"

          Laird, a younger fellow, hovering near to one side or the other of that trustworthy frontier of thirty, always carried this little black notebook; he looked at it now for comfort and assurance, pretending he hadn’t heard her Spoonerism before replying. "I hardly think our friends from the universities and labor are so bewitched by philosophy that they can't count votes. Offering pilot programs is realistic. As long as we don't have anything to give away yet, what's wrong with promising the moon and balancing the budget?  Go the full-out Bern… free college, free medical care, free uh… prisons?  I mean… ponies?  Sure!... well, Teslas, at least, if they’ve fixed that little explosion problem.  And, on the same general topic, why not divert more attention to Environment, make Tillerman defend his base. After all, our demographics skew higher income, higher education groupings... more favorably disposed to trust professional studies than the rest of the delegates. I've got people, you know, making calls to that actress in California who sits in trees… those people have trouble with some of Austin's positions, but don't like the petro-Democrats, either."

          "Oh?" Glenn recovered, willing his attention drawn outward from the cup to the Ivona Coffee Shoppe, its surroundings and clatter and the omnipresent Polynesian sentinel lurking outside, to the people at his table, to their words, the situation and solutions... further, to the aether of ideas and Machiavellian considerations. Caffeine steam and the Judas kiss. "It's a lost cause. Forget it! The best we can do is load up the bracero and shoot-to-kill border resolutions with chaff about helping those shithole republics manage their cartel problems, so that the opposition doesn't have the rope to hang us with without risking offense to the Hispanic community. Whereas Tillerman's shitcanned with almost all minorities, except a few Cubans in Miami who think that Little Marco is too young and too slick to mount a primary challenge and a few nwords, as Jack would say, too right-wing for even the Herman McCain Republicans, God bless his pizza tossin’ soul.  Meanwhile, we play up black-Latino hostilities over jobs and perks… crack that Sanders-Warren split wide open and pound on Biden as a hypocrite and a loser… keep running the softer, more inclusive Americas-with-an-S-first line. Like Jack says: their culture of contempt, not ours. With Obama lollygagging in Hawaii and pondering his next book deals, the black vote still counts for something, except in California… which the Dems have locked up… and Florida and Texas, the GOP’s bitches, even if voting population's supposed to shift any day now, linguistically, what is it..."

          "By November, according to Demographics," Laird nodded, thumbing through his little black book. "Registered, potentially, mind you, not actually voting – embarrassed by Beto and the Castro twins.  By opposition, did you mean Tillerman?  There’s talk about the Donald slipping him a little envelope of Russian roubles…" the operative’s voice dropping down to a whisper…

          "No," Anne snorted, "he means the others, the Republicans and Democrats, anyone who's against the Coalition as an entity, not just factionally. Glenn's been attending too many caucuses with Homeland Security... he's glommed all their police-state lingo. It's like the Army versus Navy or FBI and CIA. To each other, they're competition. Opposition is the KGB, or used to be, I don't know now, it's... it's... the President?  Ex-President?"

          "The terrorists!" Glenn snapped. "Never forget... anybody asks the reason for anything we're doing, it's for the terrorists.  Against the terrorists… check that… and like the new Speaker and old Majority Leader say, for the children. The ones as put down their schoolbooks and picked up guns during the last variant, the terrorists' fuckin' children that we send the drones in to obliterate or pack into concentration camps on the border… the Honduran ones.  On the other hand, our home front terrorists..."

          "Oh aren’t you talking about the G.R.U., Putin’s old hangout, not as in the cartoon..." Laird replied hesitantly, saved from further futile inquiries by the arrival of the waitress with plates of breakfast... pancakes and sausages for Laird, cold cereal for Anne, bacon and eggs for Glenn.

          "My God those look fantastic!" Anne said, drinking in the contents of Glenn's plate. "I've never seen such a shade of yellow before... are they real?" she asked, looking up at the waitress, "or are they some of those ones that the biotech company's been engineering, genetically, with saffron and jellyfish enzymes?  Up at the U?  Wait... I've got to take a picture!"

          "Don't bother," Glenn began, cutting into the GMO eggs and lifting a morsel to his mouth, but she'd ripped open her purse and dug out the smart flashphone, startling him with the snap, a small rivulet of the irradiated, bioengineered yellow yolk dribbling down his lip. A picture to hold, and to remember. "Anne!" He daubed himself clean with punctured dignity, she lay down the phone and took a crunching spoonful of healthy granola.

          "Right, then," Laird stammered, pretending not to have noticed. "At least we should be working more directly with Geiger. It may come down to the Catfish having to tell them it's for their own good. I think Foreign Affairs a more hopeless case than Environment, but it's equally hopeless trying to get that point over. What do your buddies in the Homeland Security Caucus call the ones who disagree on what to do about the competition?"

          "You mean… losers? Sorry," Glenn waved his yellow-bloodied napkin, "but it's a given. Take away Tillerman's white power and militia support and the rest of the Environmental Caucus would be more at home outside with this guy Anne and I used to know here. Professional protestors," he winked.

          "You did used to live here, didn't you?" remembered Laird, snidely.

          Glenn nodded grimly and pointed south. "Anne was born in Weslington, just over the river, and I did undergraduate work here. Back at the ass-end of the eighties," he added, swallowing. "George Bush... read my lips… the first.  Big hair, punk rock… well, in our case, that New Wave rave stuff… disco and diseases; AIDS and, as ever, Iran.  All the same swill on the boob tube as today except the game shows were daytime, not prime!  And, then, the immaculate Clintonian conception…"

          "Well, it sounds like some people you must have known never grew out of that time. My parents warned me about them... out to make trouble and occupy, I dunno, places? Portland?  Albuquerque?  I read in the Journal they  had promised to take the streets back from the Trump occupiers; stuck nails in their protest signs yesterday, nails to stab the police. The editorial called it the work of anarcho-terrorists who seek suicide and murder as valid political ends. Not means, ends! Like Arabs!  The police are supposed to have confiscated two black flags!"

          "Imagine!" Anne wondered, the sound of her crunching cereal seeming to grow louder in the ensuing, silent interval.

          "The Journal's a lying, reactionary rag, same as it was decades ago," Glenn finally clued Ralph in. "We used to call it the Urinal, suppose kids still do even now that circulation is a quarter of what it used to be and the Monday and Tuesday crib sheet clocked in at seven pages of hard copy for a buck fifty.  Four large for the Sunday you couldn’t use to swat a mosquito with all the advertisers going digital – waiting for Cap City’s rag to buy ‘em out. Anyway we've been warned... they threw a shit fit when Pinhead won, an even bigger one when he quit the Democratic Party... Anne, didn't you say he leaned Reform back around the Y2K?"

          "Always wanted T. Boone's money... or Perot's when he was District Eight Councilman, during that phase," she rolled her eyes, between crunches.

          "Then they hit the ceiling when the Coalition accepted his invitation to bring the Convention here. Good move, I'd have said, if it wasn't for the protests. Nobody knows about this place except the people who hate it from all the jokes on Colbert and those Jimmies... God, I miss Nightline, even Letterman and Leno - at least they could surprise you once in a while, not like those dreary Socialists!... even if things turned out as bad as those black protests about the police shooting of the week or the World Trade riots in Seattle, or Minneapolis, last year, Pinhead needs the publicity. Poor alcoholic fuck!... everything he touches turns to shit. Always has. But nobody's interested in the seventies and the eighties anymore, let alone the sixties, right?" he challenged Laird. "Ralph's part of the sensible generation. Part of… what was it… the Yang Gang?  Except for those Occupational losers, still out spraypainting banks and post offices with slogans ‘cause there’s nothing worth occupying here, Andy and his gang..."

          Anne brightened. "Andy's Gang?" Ralph looked puzzled.

          “Governor Cuomo?” he ventured, Glenn fairly spat, annoyed.

          "And, really, nobody remembers the Playboy Mansion fifties. Or wants to! All you'll do is make people think you're older than your parents," he warned, eyes focusing on motion in the lobby, the way a rodent instinctively detects predators, "then there isn't anything in Rayna's little bag of cosmetic tricks that'll save you. Now sober up. Here comes the Archbishop!"









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