The Journal


Serving the Metropolitan Area


Since 1872


April 15th




By Jack Parnell - retired Congressman and Independent Presidential candidate


Syndicated by Acme Features


          A hundred some years ago, so it's been said, Nazi Germany's foundations were laid in Russia where certain bad Czarists... abetted by other Continentals, some Englishmen and (as seems likely) Americans, too… drafted and circulated a manifesto allegedly authored by that nascent Zionist movement over there: the infamous "Protocols of the Elders of Zion".  (See the Generisis serial: The Golden Dawn)

          These Protocols were fake news before the term was coined – dis- as opposed to mis-information – but one line from the forgery sticks in my memory... that double-fanged agency of control exerted by conspiratorial elites against their trusting civilians since the Roman Empire and, probably, long before... loosely translated as force and make-believe.

          Force we have always with us (otherwise America would belong to the Commies today, or the Nazis, or the Brits or Indians… those of the Native American sort… or the bears and the badgers); as for "make believe", these few considerations upon how a use of language, symbolism and spectacle converge… in a post-achievement economy of grievance and entitlements, once work disappears… become significant.  (Ponder, these days, the gullible consumers of Russian state media!)  Don't help, either, that some in the overclass are just plain dumb as a Red Army General - dumb like them as survived the Hardee's/KFC merger and thereupon made the decision to merge their spokesicons, too: Dr. Angus and Colonel Sanders. Coulda settled upon Dr. Sanders, but they didn't, and... thereby... created, for themselves, awhile, a problem.  Doesn’t help that they’re so woke that the latest “Colonel” is a transgender country singer.

          Now when the word "problem" (as relates to missing children and terror; also hunger, crime, mosquitoes, marketing malfunctions, plague and the such) loses its juice, we begin bein’ told that all news a smidgen more ripe than “developing”  is “breaking” (why not, after a day or so, broken?), circumstances are dire, or even grim, everything under the sun is “at risk”, then we started seeing "outbreaks of epidemics," as noted Eric Zorn of the Chicago Tribune before the word itself was eclipsed and vaxxed into submission. A medical term was widened to encompass cocaine use, date rape, dropouts, media violence, global warming, anything bad... in fact... agin' which somebody "thinks the public ought to pay more attention," the operative word, of course, being “pay” (lest the sponsors and the sponsors’ actors, agents and lawyers follow yesterday’s news and start breaking.)  

          Overuse of that"epidemic" as graduated into “pandemic” vernacular as led to "...misunderstandings, unsubstantiated fears and, eventually," warned Ward Cates of the CDC once the actual plague dug its claws into American vitals, "a lack of attention" generated an upgrade of media alarm to the more prosaic and even less discriminating "pandemics" of gun violence, head lice, teenage obesity, shingles and dozens of other dangers with remedies at hand for those who call the toll-free number - perils against which Don Jones, the average American, was commanded to respond “with an abundance of caution.”

          And when the pandemic receded and attention turned to the former President being investigated and, as of today indicted for payoffs for having sex with a pornstar, the pundits called the charges “unprecedented” or even... to the shame of James Patterson, Emily Bronte or Stephen King, “novel”.

          Politics?  Consider all those RINOs turned WHINE-Os who still support Trump in public but will leak their confessions to tabloidsters – not that Djonald UnRighteous is wrong, but that, despite a clear lead for the next nomination, he and his denialist candidates will be weaker come November than the donkeys.  Their soundbite of the week... that Republicans might pay a price, even as high as failing to secure a House and Senate majority amidst a Biden-battered economy, as a consequence of “hitching our stars to (Trump’s) wagon!”

          "Changing and controlling language is one of the ways marginalized people change and control the way they are seen by the mainstream," admits columnist Leonard Pitts, who, after a long career of having dealt full hands of race cards, was prairie-fired off'n his job over having written "AIDS victim" instead of "person with AIDS". "People of good will (emphasis added to differentiate from Ms. Johnson's better community) ought to empathize," the cancelliers crowed at this “victory”.

          The liberals’ buzzword of the hour, next to “microaggression” of course, is “cultural Marxism” which, during the Mean Teens was, I suppose, a sort of Communism as perpetuates and aggravates class inequality, but gives the New-New Leftists something to celebrate during their impotent denouncings of every aspect of political incorrectness from twitchy college Deans to Paula Deen, from Presidential tweets (Gipper to Gypper) to them duck-hunting fellows on the cable as miss their marks and explode twittering songbirds in a retaliatory puff of feathered frustration.  It’s a win-win situation… the CMs (who long ago made peace with the economic inconsistencies of securing niche jobs for themselves in gumment bureaucracies, universities, foundations and community organizations as were financed on the wills of self-hating heirs of robber barons like Guggenheims, Fords and Rockefellers on an unspoken promise that they could shout and screech all they wished, even throw a little money round so long as they never did anything) gain the illusion of potency and importancy whenever they can shoot down some snarky college journalist or a supermodel accused of fat-shaming by example, while the “conservative” economic fatcats get a free pass to continue dipping into the pockets of the public, and the government, by advancing their policies of tax cuts and crony capitalism.

          Used to think conservatives were folks as paid their bills on time, fightin' for industry and agin' liberals who, George Gilder alleges, hate competition, as "wastes resources in an entropic world." No argument there… no less an un-cultural un-Marxist than Karl’s ghostwriter Friedrich Engels hailed the American imperative towards monopoly as the penultimate step before dictatorship of the proletariat.  (He more or less assumed that the monopolists would then, eventually, “wither away” like death-ray Raided supervillains in the movies as opposed to sanctioning employees who can no longer hold their water, slapping on a cowboy hat and flying off into space.  Then the Bush Supremes upheld the renomenclature of campaign bribery as “free speech” in Citizens United and that claim by Amway that a major GOP donor owned the trademark to "freedom fuel" as a gasoline additive.

          Remember: when a patriot or lawyer, now, uses the xenomenclature to bellow: "Freedom is not free!", it's your freedom, not his, in the crosshairs. Not without payment of royalties to Daniel Ortega, being as them t-shirts are now manufactured in his Nicaraguan fiefdom!  Google “Ortega”/”mansion” to see a quick and greasy primer on that plague as killed off Communism – as if the powers and privileges attendant to the dictators of the proletariat rendered them any different from any other dictator, wary of what or who might be coming up in his rear view mirror.  (See an attachment to a two year-old Don Jones Index for more on the taming, and domiciles, of Dannie Boy!)

          Mona Charen (and where has she gone?) used to blame "counterculture types who opposed the war in Vietnam" for the sorry state of NASA today.  (No accident that Jewish rocket just crashed on the moon… or did it?)  Warn't pilferin' pennies on the rubber o-rings and heat-shield tiles as fall off when hit by wads of foam as retarded Mars Explorations and kept us off Jupiter... where Stanley Kubrick and Art C. Clarke predicted we'd have been to and back already... but shadowy traitors and red Depends geezers as "instructed us that pride was a sin, especially in a nation that could conduct such a war." Suck on that, Dante Aligheri!  And James T. Kirk!  Also, youse various French intellectuals and the Strawberry Alarm Clock...

          And dumb bottom-feeders, like myself, thinking, all along, the latest budget problems resulted from Congress repealin' those old Star Wars treaties to deploy Sith missiles against those damn Somalis... well, they actually didn't repeal 'em so much as, in the words of Honorable Maureen Kittridge, borrowed from Hollywood, put 'em on hiatus.  Sure made Lootin’ Putin bold ‘n happy.

          Patriots, running in place like rats on wheels, must dredge up new lingo to replace old euphemisms like "ethnic cleansing", as lose their euphemisticity over time the way gay marriage dropped off the radar following that bureaucrat in Kentucky as got put in her place (but at least got to meet Pope Benedict before he passed or, in plain English, died)… replaced by Mexican gardeners and hooker-overpaying Governors, stage right as opposed to dirty old Senators in airport restrooms, stage left... then by missing birth certificates and now, it seems, by a buncha e-mails from the failed 2016 Democratic nominee, none of which appear to imply a threesome with Bill and the dead guy in Benghazi or Anthony Weiner or Harvey Weinstein, or Yoko Ono and the innumerable foundation donors as populate the Panama Papers.  "We are being asked to be patriots and to obey," the former Presidential candidate and Governor, Pete duPont, rationalized certain provisions of the Patriot Act, as were supposed to sunset but, of course, didn't. Exercising his privilege of all cunning linguistics, "Pete" had dropped his birth name, "Pierre" like a hot crepe, as soon as all things French became, and until that disco shooting, remained tantamount to treason... French nationalists inveighing against American slang and passing reataliatory laws dictating that there would be no more hot dogs; they'll heretoafter be called "chiens chaud" under penalty of law.

          Hotdogging Entropians, with their hand-dandy chadly-handling spin-doctors, have so lowered the bar that, say Stephen Ansolabehere and Shanto Iyengar in the book "Going Negative", a "demoralized electorate" comes to expect incompetence, scapegoating and corruption and, maybe, even desire it as psychologically comforting. Back to the present time” jackpot!  Thus, all them 2000 subliminals flashing the word "DEMOCRATS" shrunk down to "RATS" (as Joe Lieberman called "strange and disappointing" then got the message and switched parties) escalated into 2004's Swift-boaters as simultaneously blasted Pickle John Kerry as a putrid coward and psychotic murderer, then those endless nutcase preacher soundbites, mental hospital shadows and Obama/O.J. morphing after oh-eight as caused the best Republican President since Bill Clinton to spend most of his second term cowering in some closet with insurance men.  These aren’t lies, remember, they’re alt-facts – as would say the Big O’s successor.  And in November we were supposed to spend years of time and millions of dollars to feign outrage over the Russians buying and running right-wing negative advertising in favor of The President on the social media sites, or Chinese pimping The Vice before, The President’s own mob stormed the Capitol with nooses and chants.

          (According to Mike Pence, it was the Chinese as had the hard-on for President Trump and his Moscophiliac golden showers leading to the inescapable conclusion that the real puppetmasters of American elections are… for the Democrats… Mister Mao’s disinterred legions versus… on the Republican side… Mad Vlad and his nest of red sparrows.  Somebody had to have gotten to those eight ‘Publicans to kill the impeachment!)

          Iran is in there too, somewhere – but who’s counting or counting on them anymore as they stepped back on nuking Tel Aviv, even providing Hamas or Hezbollah the means to do so?  Pence? He paid for his audacity with that near-necktie party.

          "Only way to hit a triple," shrugged California Democratic campaign consultant Richie Ross, after implicating his man's rival in the molestation murder of little Polly Klass, "is to get close to the foul line."

          Once "cognitariat" (say those Z-stringin' Tofflers, a few of them maybe even “woke”) displace "proletariats", some of us'll enjoy a wonderful future of more cans than a pay-per-pound recycling outfit hard by Skid Row... we can clean up pollution, can balance the budget, can educate the world's billions digitally, can cure diseases, can even provide meaningful work for all. But they, too, finally admit the likelihood of force - when make-believe collapses of its own ponderousness and Americans, weary of their politicians, media and squawking lobbies, opt for Oswald Spengler's "noble aimlessness" under military rule.

          But is it our destiny to ape Mussolini’s (or now, it seems, Meloni’s) Italy as junior partner to the Cossacks or Celestials standing in for Awful Adolph?

          After thumbing through "Going Negative", I lost faith in public campaign financing for the big parties, Tweedle n' Dumbo. Preserving a national dialogue, let alone the nation, won't be accomplished by maintaining sick elephants and crippled (or should I say “mobility challenged”) donkeys on life support... it's time to take up the pillows and smother the both daid!

          After leaving the Reagan cabinet, Jimmy Watt... as sold off public lands to mining and ranching and timber people because Armageddon was nigh... used to make a high living giving speeches to God’s faithful D-Twenty and M-thirteeners at five grand a night because of the riots and protest that publicized his appearances. So, one night in Michigan, the professional protesters decided not to co-operate. Without all the free publicity, only ten people bought tickets for the event, and it was duly cancelled. Jimmitty, as others, had finally heard the sounds of silence... one hand clapping in a forest where nobody listens and no trees fall because they've already been cut down; rendered into newsprint and coffins, or perhaps them Lincoln logs for kids to play with, erecting their little forts and walls for plastic cowboys, Indians, Mexicans and evangelicals to scale, being in the reconciling of force and make-believe while the underbrush catches fire and burns, burns, burns.

          Chew on that prospect, Andrew Cuomo!

          And then all them Lincoln logs get replaced by giant smelly plastic joints as discourages splinters and their hot-doggin' Lincoln Lawyers, steps taken in the interests of the children as might decide to swallow a few.  Out of, and let’s sing the song all together, an abundance of caution!


